Get Involved
Here in Craven County when our democracy is threatened we come together as a community: calling our congressional representatives, joining protests and marches, donating our time and energy to the resistance. A community united can never be divided.
Here’s how you can join with us to stand up for the American Dream:
Volunteer: Sign up for our email list (the form is on the sidebar of this page) to receive the latest volunteering opportunities, and visit our calendar (in the sidebar) or Mobilize for upcoming local events.
Register to vote: If you’re eligible to vote in North Carolina, make sure you’re registered to vote at your current address, and register to vote (or update your registration) if you need to.
Change your party affiliation: If you’re registered to vote as an Unaffiliated or Republican voter, tell the world that you stand for the American Dream by changing your party registration to the Democratic Party.
Connect with us: Sign up for our email list (the form is on the sidebar of this page) and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news & information.
Connect with your precinct: Use our easy Precinct Finder tool to find out which precinct you’re in and connect with your local Democrats.
Join us at our meetings: We meet every month on the fourth Monday evening of the month.
Consider running for office: In America, our government officials aren’t a special class of people… they’re us, ordinary citizens like you and me who stepped up and ran for office. Every election year, far too many positions at the local, state, and national level go to the Republicans simply because no Democrats stepped up to the plate to run. We need everyone to pitch in. If you run for office as a Democrat in Craven County, we’ll do everything we can to bring you to the finish line.
Join our email list
Democrats across Craven County are organizing to fight for the American Dream. Sign up today to connect with us and find out how you can get involved.
By signing up for our email list, you’ll receive a few emails a month about upcoming events, opportunities to connect with fellow Democrats in your precinct and Craven County, and ways to get involved and get out the vote for Democrats in 2024 and beyond! Make sure you’re signed up for the latest!
Contact us
Do you have a question? Want to know how to get involved? Are you a member of the media who wants to connect with us?
Call us at 252-631-6350, or email our party leadership, and we’ll get in touch soon!
Please send mail to:
Craven County Democratic Party
PO Box 1174
New Bern, NC 28560
Ryan Ewing: Chair — Email
Dennis Settles: 1st Vice Chair — Email
David Super: 2nd Vice Chair — Email
Irene Balboni: 3rd Vice Chair — Email
Dave Moazed: Treasurer — Email
Elaine Rouse: Secretary — Email
Katherine Blakefield: Volunteer Coordinator
Elaine Rouse: Assistant Volunteer Coordinator
Diane Tyndall: President, Democratic Women of Craven County — Email